Our management

Managing a company successfully means planning, coordinating and controlling it. The part of this you can see: the management board. What lies behind it: an intelligent management system. What accounts for our success: a combination of the two.

Management board

Dr. Karl-Martin Schellerer began his career with Westlake Vinnolit in 1997 as Sales Manager for Paste & Extender PVC and subsequently made a significant contribution to the strategic development of the company as Head of Corporate Development. He left the company for a brief period in 2012, returning as Managing Director in 2015. Alongside this position, he is now responsible for various Westlake business areas as Senior Vice President – Europe and Asia Region, Performance and Essential Materials.

“Ultimately, it’s the atmosphere in the company and the spirit among the people that make you want to come back, make working for Westlake Vinnolit fun and move the company forward.” 

Dr. Karl-Martin Schellerer, Managing Director

Integrated management system

An integrated management system allows efficient control of all management processes at the same time. In this way, quality, safety, protection of the environment and of health are mapped in a unified structure through the use of intelligent synergies, and resources are focused where they are needed. The result is a clear development and improvement in products and working processes in the company.

It is important to meet the ethical and legal requirements of our markets. We therefore arrange for our management system to be evaluated objectively against consistent standards under ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 50001 (energy management). Important parts of ISO/TS 16949 (automobile standard) are also relevant to us because of our products that are processed in the automobile industry. The ISO 45001 occupational safety certification, in conjunction with the OHRIS occupational safety management system, are part of our system.


The management system meets the requirements of the quality standard DIN EN ISO 9001 and the environmental standards DIN EN ISO 14001 and DIN EN ISO 50001. Important parts of the ISO/TS 16949 automobile standard are also covered by the management system. The specifications of DIN EN ISO 45001, of the Bavarian State Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Family, Women and Health and of the guidelines compiled by the industry for a health and risk management system (OHRIS) are also met.

The company handbook and the supplementary departmental handbooks have a structure based on processes that is independent of the standards specified above. The internal Westlake Vinnolit content structure and lists of cross references make the connection with the elements of the DIN EN ISO 9001, 14001, 50001, 45001 and OHRIS standards.

Registration number: 12 100/104 7063 TMS
Valid until 5/29/2027


Registration number: 12 100/104 7063 TMS
Valid until 5/29/2027


Registration number: 12 117 7063 TMS
Valid until 29/05/2027


Registration number: 12 340 7063 TMS
Valid until 5/3/2027


(only for the sites Burghausen and Gendorf)

Burghausen: Certificate No: 09-00005

Valid until: Dec. 17, 2026


Gendorf: Certificate No: 09-00019


Valid until: May 03, 2024

Other certifications/ratings

We arrange for the largest provider of sustainability ratings in the world, EcoVadis, to certify our corporate social responsibility and our efforts in the area of sustainability at regular intervals.



Securing the supply chain is increasingly important in the context of the increasingly international trade in goods. The world customs organization has therefore developed binding standards for worldwide trade. Accordingly, the European Union has introduced certification as an “Authorized Economic Operator” (AEO). The AEO-F (full) certificate comprises the AEO-C for simplified processing under customs law and the AEO-S covering safety issues. Westlake Vinnolit GmbH & Co. KG has been certified as AEO-F with effect from 12/16/2015. Westlake Vinnolit therefore meets the high requirements of European customs administration with regard to reliability and safety in international trade.

Registration number: DE AEOF 121182


Use of SAP software across the board at Vinnolit requires a professional support organization; under our license agreement, we are also obliged to operate a so-called Customer Center of Expertise (CCoE). This is ensured by SAP certification. The certificate was issued for the first time in 2004. The most recent recertification was completed in November 2020.


Product certificate K109404/01


REDcert² -943-66600062
