EU-Project CIRCULAR FLOORING enables environmentally friendly recycling of post-consumer PVC floor coverings

Vinnolit participates in the new EU research project ‘Circular Flooring’, which takes the environmentally friendly recycling of post-consumer PVC floor coverings to a new level.

“Within the EU project Circular Flooring, Vinnolit is responsible for the detailed testing and evaluation of the PVC recyclates, generated by the CreaSolv® process. In this role, Vinnolit will investigate the potential of the recyclates in its modern PVC application center in Burghausen with a view to future applications,” says company spokesman Dr. Oliver Mieden.
Vinnolit GmbH & Co. KG, a Westlake company, is one of the leading PVC manufacturers in Europe and, worldwide, is the market and technical leader in specialty PVC. Vinnolit produces and markets a wide range of PVC products suitable for all kinds of PVC applications, e.g. in the building & construction sector, in the automotive industry or in the medical sector.

Vinnolit participates in the worldwide Responsible Care program of the chemical industry to continuously improve safety, health and environmental protection and supports VinylPlus®, the voluntary commitment of the European PVC industry towards sustainable development, as ‘Official Partner’ financially, ideally and through active participation (

Details can be found in the press release of Bayerische Forschungsallianz GmbH.

CIRCULAR FLOORING project consortium at the kick-off meeting in Brussels.